Blogs & Forums
Blog Articles, News, Polls & Discussion Forums
Blog & Vlog
The SeTs Blog & Vlog roll contains news items and and assortment of articles about events and activities directly facilitated by SeTs or, with which we are otherwise involved with as participants , organisers or promoters. SeTs collaborates extensively with other associations and organizations such as SDI ry (Street dance school), KEG Oy (Film production & events management), and FilmVIA, a website and mobile APP service aimed primarily at the Independent film (Indie) industry, from film makers and festivals to film schools and other artisans and craftspeople.
Quizzes & Survey Polls
Quizzes & Survey Polls pages are for members and visitors to test their knowledge and participate in the community social learning efforts by providing feedback and opinions on the issues raised. These exercises are intended to provide additional external input to the study and training courses and stimulate further discussion in the forums and study groups. Discussion forums and study groups may also contain their own class specific quizzes and survey polls.
Discussion Forums
Discussion forums provide a great way to extend our learning well beyond the usual social and organizational borders and beyond, into the frontiers of Social Media interactions.
Discussion forums are intended to be more open to the public, however, IPR & privacy concerns, community management and the confidence needed to speak openly about some issues, personal or otherwise necessitate some minimal restrictions on participation within the SeTs discussion forums. However, in principle there is nothing to stop anyone from extending this to Social Media sites, as long as only generic information directly relevant to the subject is posted. This allows us to extend our learning research to a much broader audience sample and then reintegrate that feedback into the SeTs community for added benefit.
Study & User Groups
User & Study Groups are intended to be a SAFE place where authorised members of the group can discuss their courses and training programmes, organise meetups and share their videos, pictures, learning materials and personal learning experiences with the rest of the group members. Almost all Study Group forums are restricted areas intended for the extended support of member students and practitioners whilst provided more comprehensive IPR & privacy protection.