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Adult Education Course

Courses & Workshops


Mind Skills, Tools and Functional Education

"Don't let school interfere with your education," Mark Twain.

Mind SeTs provides three types of service, namely preset vocational courses and classes, Bespoke Course & Content Creation, plus development services for Education, Systems & Business needs in general.

Higher-Education Learning Programmes (HELP) 

HELP services are vocational courses and classes that continue our core theme of Functional Education, but are more academically focused than the physical education coaching services to provide further education in vocational subjects. The comprehensive use of web-based learning allows us to access more content and combine the best of eLearning, Web-based Training (WbT) and other WebTools in a 'Flipped Classroom' that optimises learning using purely on-line or onsite and hybrid programmes to suit your needs and convenience.  ​The education industry has long been talking about the need for a new approach to education to provide students with the skills they need in the 21st century. Our core focus areas include academic and other practical mind skills and tools for the development of, not just practical and functional mind skills, but a way of thinking, be it critical, analytical or diagnostic in nature. These are then made active use of in the study of specific vocational subjects ranging from business organisation and processes to security and risk management. The education industry has long been talking about the need for a new approach to education to provide students with the skills they need in the 21st century. Our core focus areas include academic and other practical mind skills and tools for the development of, not just practical and functional mind skills, but a way of thinking, be it critical, analytical or diagnostic in nature. These are then made active use of in the study of specific vocational subjects ranging from business organisation and processes to security and risk management. ​Online study need not be a lonely chore restricted to a computer desk. You can also watch, listen & read via your mobile phone, or, join us &/or your own user group at a local onsite meetup if available. As with all our learning & training programmes we actively support & facilitate it in a variety of ways, from webinars & workshops to chat and discussion forums from private study groups to public forums. In so doing, we create a borderless learning experience that fosters not just a 'Mind state', but a Whole 'Mind SeT' by which learning can be both augmented and accelerated. You, the learner can then 'Blossom and Bloom' without being dragged down by boring lectures and the pressures of formal academic study.   You can subscribe directly, or consult with us (online) to make a Customer Training Agreement (CTA) linked to the course. We will thern guide you through the remaining start-up process. Whether you choose an online, or a hybrid plan, The training programmes are accessible via the web  so that you can  also practice in your own time.

Onsite Courses

Onsite courses are those which have a practical element that are most effective with live face to face guidance and instruction. Many aspects can be learned and studied in more detail online, with supporting online workouts to guide practical training sessions and video recordings to review and assess performance for coaching and consulting purposes. However, even with live online hangouts, this will never be as good as live instruction onsite. The final choice is a matter of feasibility and convenience. Onsite courses are shorter more focused than the online study courses. They are also modular in design so that they can be adapted to your timetables and budget. Check out our current onsite course offering. If you see something of interest, Get in Touch!

Online Study Courses

Online courses are those which contain more theory, depth and detail requiring more structured learning approaches. These include various learning tools and tests to verify the learning achieved before any certificates or other awards for achievement can be granted. They contain less practical practical elements, which are therefore more conveniently provided and supported via online coaching systems. Live learning events might include webinars, online study groups and discussion forums. This however, does not preclude effective training through self-organised local meet-ups, which are encouraged as part of our FACEvents programmes. Check out our current onsite course offering. If you see something of interest, SUBSCRIBE!

 SeTs is... The Functional Education Specialist

​Without doubt, we are 'Natural Born' educators, coordinators, organizers & facilitators. Its in our blood!

Uusimaa (Helsinki, Espoo & Vantaa), Finland

Proudly created  by SeTs ry with

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