Parkour Assistant Instructor Course for the Young Guns
la 11. helmik.
|Vantaan Voimistelu Seura ry
A training course for younger generation of budding instructors to get them started on the teaching path. Specially designed for 13 to 17 year olds.

Paikka & aika
11. helmik. 2023 klo 11.00 UTC+2 – 12. helmik. 2023 klo 17.00 UTC+2
Vantaan Voimistelu Seura ry, Vetokuja 1B, 01610 Vantaa, Finland
Tietoa tapahtumasta
SPY are again organising a special training course for younger generation of budding instructors to get them started on the teaching path. Â It does not qualify them as teachers or instructors, but it will give them a good start and launching pad down that career path, allowing them the insights, and to experience if they would like to continue on that path.
It is a great way to broaden their horizons and open them minds at this difficult and prickly age. They will learn more about the inner aspects of Parkour, awareness of other people's perspectives/peopleÂ
skills and some fundamental teaching skills. The networking aspect also cannot be underestimated.
The teaching is by Ville Leppänen, one of the leading lights in the Suomen parkour association and an experienced instructor himself, having co-designed most of the SPY instructor courses.  From personal experience as a qualified higher-education teacher/lecturer and long time sports instructor, having myself qualified as a parkour instructor on one of his courses, I can highly recommend him and the  courses he teaches (Chris Spencer, SeTs Chairman & Head Instructor).
The course is being held at the premises of one of SPY affiliate clubs, the Vantaa Gymnastics Club, in Vantaa, Finland.
Registration is open until 8.2.2023 at 12:00 high-noon!
The course fees are 99€ to be paid to SPY in a manner agreed with them.
Register via the SPY website:
Lii-Kan Jitsu Club ry requested the course for the advancement of some of it's own members, but like SeTs ry, is not involved in the organising, teaching or financing in anyway. It is an entirely a SPY event, of which Lii-Kan Jitsu club instructor is a member, and  SeTs ry ( is an affiliate organization member.
Contact details:
Laura Lammi
Suomen Parkour ry - SPY