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Life Skills for Life!

Feel safer and more confident. Combine them onsite and online for a a real sense of empowerment.

A 'Borderless Learning' experience in a modern school for modern day society.

Affiliation and customised coaching for clubs and study groups.

Custom Coaching for Parkour, self-defence, football and racquet ball sports groups that want to improve their mobility, agility and general conditioning and understanding through cross-training with different sports and functional fitness training. It is also highly suitable for school physical education classes.

No affiliation fees for the first year

Valid until End of May 2025


'Dynamic Physical Education' onsite, online or hybrid.

Customised coaching services for Parkour & self-defense, security, rescue and first responder procedures to compliment your regular training and skill SeTs.

The training includes accompanying fitness workouts designed by a professionally qualified Personal Trainer.


Sport or street arts specific training programmes and workouts


Online coaching support (Availability-based)


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Website mobile apps to keep in touch


Coaching mobile app for workouts & exercise guidance & assistance


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Swift as the Shadow

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Our Clients Say

Kreetta (Programme Organizer for Helsinki City)...
Hei Chris!! Sain palautetta koulu PTltä, joka oli käynyt tunnillasi Kontulassa tiistaina, että olit loistava ohjaaja 🥳 Kiitos sinulle hyvästä ohjauksesta! Toivotaan nyt että tunti lähtee paremmin käyntiin (enemmän kävijöitä) kun se siirtyy Liikuntamyllyyn ☺️ Hyvä Chris, jatka samaan malliin 🎊
Hi Chris!! I received feedback from the school PT, who had attended your class in Kontula on Tuesday, that you were a great instructor 🥳 Thank you for your good guidance! Let's hope that the class gets off to a better start (more visitors) when it moves to the Liikuntamylly ☺️ Well done Chris, keep up the good work 🎊
TONI (School Personal Trainer)...
"Tiistain itsepuolustustunti kontulassa oli tosi hyvä! Kävin viime viikolla yhden nuoren kanssa. Mahtava ohjaaja siellä. Harmi kun ei vissiin oo ollut kävijöitä hirveesti."
"Tuesday's self-defense class at Kontula was really good! I went last week with a young person/school student of mine. Great instructor there. A real shame there have not been many visitors."

Kreetta & Toni

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